Why Social Media Should Be A Part Of Your Billboard Design
It can often seem like the traditional advertising of billboards and the ever changing technology of social media would make the two incompatible due to their focus on different mediums. However, when utilized together, billboard advertising and social media platforms can make for a very profitable combination.
This is why it is very important to A) have updated social media pages and B) include these pages in your billboard design.
There are a variety of ways to integrate these pages in your billboard strategy. Here are some ways that will help engage these platforms on traditional print billboards.
1. Using your billboard design to tap into the social media network can be as simple as adding a Facebook logo or asking consumers to “like” your Facebook page or “follow” you on Twitter, Instragram, etc. By applying a simple call to action, your billboard will be working both digitally and traditionally. You will be able to get a rough estimate of the effectiveness of your billboard by observing the traffic of your social media platforms. Not only will you be able to attract visitors to your pages, but you will also be given the ability to interact with customers.
2. Think about incorporating hashtags to your design to encourage even more interaction. Do you have an active social media advertising campaign? Why not integrate this with your outdoor advertising? Not only will the two campaigns compliment each other, but they will also develop consistent marketing for your overall brand. This is a great way to integrate both campaigns and give your business a consistent image over various mediums.
3. Sell digital products through your print billboard. Internet based companies still continue to rely on billboard advertising to gain subscribers and sell digital content. Companies like Spotify, Pandora, and even social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook use print advertising extensively to gain new users. Despite the growing popularity of mobile entertainment, companies continue to find traditional print advertising to be effective.
4. Connect with others. It’s a common practice among companies to include reviews in their billboard design. However, businesses are now beginning to include customer tweets and Facebook posts in their designs as a way of actively engaging customers and creating an interactive experience rather than a simple static billboard.
This is just a few of the many ways that you can benefit from integrating your social media platforms with your print ads. The sky is the limit to what all you can do and a little creativity can go a long way!
How do you incorporate your social media in your billboard design?